Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fuck Hogan and Easy E

I try to like TNA. I really do But they make it so hard. So very hard.

Zema Ion couldn't get a surgery but at least those cock suckers Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff get away with taking TNA's money and giving nothing back.

If you're wondering why I'm so pissed off at Hogan and Easy just take a look at this video.

All Hogan needs is Carter money and support from Spike TV? What a joke. Who does he thinks he's kidding. Either Hogan is stupid or he's being dishonest. Well I don't know how hard it is to trick Dixie Carter into throwing her dad's money away but I'll just assume that Hulk is being dishonest here.

Truth is other then the very first night Hulk Hogan appeared on Impact Wrestling he has added nothing to the product. In fact with lower ratings and Impact devolution into Hogan Knows Best he has been making the promotion worse.

I know Hogan and Bischoff are egomaniacs and suck each others cock but what Hogan said at that Q & A just set me on fire. I tried to convince myself that it was a good idea for TNA to get Hogan because he did have name value but it more clear then ever that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are a cancer to TNA.

It was only weeks ago fans started talking about how TNA could die. They had to release a lot of talent and couldn't pay for Zema Ion's sugary. In fact a several good wrestlers were released before TNA decided to drop that useless Broke Hogan. And now TNA is having trouble keeping AJ Styles. And there's Hogan, who makes far more then anyone on the roster while adding nothing.

We all know TNA has tried a majority, if not all, of Hogan and Bischoff's ideas. We got rid of six sided rings and we got the joy of seeing The Nasty Boys in 2010. Plus TNA is on the road, which has really hurt them financially. And what has Eric Bischoff ever do creatively other then loose Ted Turner a lot of money? Well I guess lose Robert Carter's money.

And have Spike TV support them? If you don't call playing for Sting and Kurt Angle's contracts support you're out of your mind.

Don't forget the bullshit Easy E tried to lay down on us with not competing with WWE. The disaster duo tried that and they failed on a massive level.

Thing is these two cock suckers will never blame themselves for anything. Hopefully Dixie Carter will see the light and drop the dead weight.

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