Saturday, August 24, 2013

DVD Review: Old School With Eric Embry

I watched Eric Embry's RF Shoot Interview and this High Spots interview was way better. The RF video goes into a whole lot more detail while we get a lot more stories on this interview. Also Steve Corino does a better job of interviewing Embry then the RF guy. Its also a hour longer so we get more fun stories.

Embry talks about entering wrestling and how he became Lou Thesz's protegee. He's got road stories that are fun and interesting. You think of regional stars when you think of old school wrestling but listening to Embry you find out guys did travel and he's been to a lot of different territories. He talks about speed and drug use today a bit and an added bonus he has some good advice for indy wrestlers.

Eric Embry is an honest man and he gives us his opinion on people. He talks about The Von Erichs, Jerry Jarrett, Jerry Lawler, Tully Blanchard, Mike Graham and so many others. He doesn't pull no punches. My last shoot interview review was Bill Mercer and he was a family friend and there were things he wasn't going to talk about. Eric Embry gives more insight about what was happening in World Class and The USWA and how he was able to book the territory from extinction to drawing sell out shows and out selling The Memphis Territory.

Steve Corino threw a few hardballs and Embry didn't have a problem with answering anything. He talks about why Jerry Jarrett wasn't able to make money in Texas after he kicked Embry off the booking team and why Embry wasn't able to book big crowds in Memphis like he did Texas.

Embry is a extremely smart man but he does tell us a few mistakes he made in this interview.

I do recommend this DVD. It's a whole lot more fun to listen to then Embry's RF shoot interview. If you love good road stories you'll enjoy this. Plus you need to get this if you're a WCCW fan and want to hear about why it became The USWA and why Embry booked himself to the top of the card.

This DVD is available at High Spots

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